The Society
The Anglo-Somali Society is an independent United Kingdom-based non-profit-making international friendship association established in 1962.
The Society brings together British and Somali people alongside people of other nationalities with an interest in a wide range of issues in relation to Somali affairs – including politics, development, human rights, social and gender issues, education, science and technology, history, literature, culture and the arts.
The Society aims to promote peace, development and human rights impartially for all Somalis, with a particular interest in the problems facing Somali refugees in the UK and the wider diaspora.
The Society is administered, according to its Constitution, by a Council elected at the Annual General Meeting.
The Society has changed radically since its foundation soon after Somalia’s Independence. From its roots as a forum where those who served in the former British Somaliland Protectorate and ex-Italian Somalia were able to remain in touch with each other and with their Somali colleagues and friends, the Society has emerged as an active organisation hosting events of interest to all those concerned with Somali affairs.
Members come from all parts of the UK with a concentration in the London area and include many Somali people who are either resident or grew up in the UK. There are also international members in the USA, other European countries, the Middle East and Africa. Some UK-based non-governmental organisations and aid agencies are corporate members.

The Aims of the Society are:
To foster mutual friendship and understanding between British and Somali people and others interested in Somali affairs.
To promote and develop social and cultural relations and international co-operation for Somali progress and development.
To establish links with Somali community associations in the United Kingdom and other institutions and associations with similar interests and objectives.