Dear Readers,​
We were thrilled to receive such a lively response in our ‘Letters to the Editor’ section to an article in Issue 75 that sought information about the Hargeisa Footbridge. Several letters went back and forth between David Brooks and Ahmed Awale, and a fascinating story unfolded!
We’ve given prominence to these letters and unearthed, from our archives, the obituary of John Steven, a former member whose labour of love resulted in the creation of the footbridge. This exchange exemplifies what the Journal is all about: the sharing of ideas, stories, and opinions.
In this issue, we present a rich mix of material from both home and abroad, including coverage of cultural events such as the Hargeisa Book Festival and Somali Week here in the UK. These events highlight the remarkable diversity of talent within Somali communities [see front cover for more details].
Additionally, the results of the presidential elections in Somaliland were announced just in time for inclusion in this issue. We’ve covered this and other current events in the ‘Run Doon’ section.
We hope you enjoy this winter reading and, as always, encourage you to keep your articles and letters coming!
Susan Sills and Adil Dirie
December 2024